Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 05 — Your favorite quote

"Love,ah,love,that magical spark between two people that you hope won't start a fire and burn both of them to death-anonymous"

yeah,love..the magical spark that can make a man or a women burn to death if it's not control by one self..or like the case of what he call the one that update his FB status 45 min before he jump off his apartment building?...ahhh..malas nak tnyk lebai that la if not control.ahah..but if burned to death by love,then rise from the ashes and start over again.what's the point in wallowing in pain and sadness for long?right?..better be happy and make your own life beautiful with smiles and great memories.the more u sulk n wallow in sadness is gonna make u feel depress and thinking about some crazy good for nothing stunt like jump off a building,or go drown your self in stuff like drugs or alcohol.what u got from "stunts" like that is just more sorrow,pain and,before u destroy your self,better think about GOD,family's and friends that love u.kapish?.while you feel sad and shitty,the one that broke your heart is happily living life and maybe found someone else that make his/her life even beautiful while your world is like a mess up garden that has been neglected by,what!,f your heart is broken,others are broken too.just pick ur self up and move on.well,it seems like easy to say then done.right?.but if u don't give your self the chance to do,then u say it is hard to d kerepak ku ?...maka pdh pasal fav quote,alu melelat jadi sesi mengerepak..ahaha..tok namanya meluah perasaan utk mengigati dirik pun..ahaha..Ooo,BLOG ya jak la dari aku utk rumble kali ini..

P/s : weeee....3 hari sudah aku x buka 30 photo challenge will be "Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy"..hurmm...malam ini la pilih what tickles me fancy..ahaha.oh,oh..satu lagi,gambar bunga di atas entah kenapa ku letak,aku gasak jak..ahaha..

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